St Mary's Church, Hertingfordbury
St Mary's Lane, Hertingfordbury SG14 2LD

No one belongs here more than you
Welcome to St Mary's with St John's
No one belongs here more than you
Welcome and thank you for visiting our website
Following the example of Jesus, and seeking to model the inclusive love of God, we welcome all people, whatever your gender, ethnicity, sexuality, age, health, mobility, status or wealth.
If there is someone you would like us to pray for this week, send us a message on the contact page here .
Worship and services
Find out about our Regular Services here
Find out about our Special services here
Dates for your diary
(More details in the Parish Magazine)
Monday 9th, 16th April – Mindfulness On Sele (10.30am at Sele Hub, Fleming Crescent)
Wednesday 12th March – Mindfulness & Meditation 7.30pm in St Andrews church and online. Wednesday 26th March online only at 7.30pm
Sunday 30th March 9.15 am - Mothering Sunday -children will be invited to give their mothers a posy
Holy Week and Easter
Daytime throughout Holy Week: ‘One Friday’ art exhibition at St Andrew’s
Sunday 13th April 9.15 am Palm Sunday (St Mary's)
Monday 14th April 8 pm Compline for Holy Week (on Zoom)
Tuesday 15th April A candle-lit Service for Holy Week in the style of Taizé (St Andrew’s)
Wednesday 16th April 8pm A Meditation for Holy Week (St Andrew’s & Zoom)
Maundy Thursday 8pm Holy Communion followed by a candle-lit medieval service of the
shadows (Tenebrae) - Watch ’til 10pm (St Andrew’s)
Good Friday 12noon - 2pm ‘One Friday’ A quiet space with interactive prayer stations (St Andrew’s)
Good Friday 2-3pm The Last Hour at St Mary's
Easter Sunday 5.30am Dawn Service at St Mary’s
Easter Sunday 9.15am at St Mary’s. All-Age Holy Communion with Easter Egg Hunt. (Please remember to bring a fresh flower to decorate the cross and something noisy!)
Easter Sunday 10.30am (Zoom) A Communion service for Easter
​Looking ahead
Sunday 27th April after the 9.15 am service APCM - details to follow
Joint St Andrew’s & St Mary’s Away Day Sunday, 4th May 2025 All Nations College, Ware. (details to follow)​​
Parish Magazine
April issue out now! Click here to read Rev Alan's monthly letter in the magazine.
Friends of Hertingfordbury St. Mary events - open to everyone
(For full details of all the Friends' events, and information on how to become a Friend click here or in the Parish Magazine here)​
Saturday 29 March – Welwyn GC Male Voice Choir – 19.30 at St Mary’s (more detail to follow)
Saturday 3 May – Village Breakfast - Cancelled due to unforeseen circumstances​
Our people
Contact details for clergy, churchwardens and other key people go here
For information about the Parochial Church Council and its members, go here
Revision of the Electoral Roll
Churches in the Diocese have been asked to prepare a new electoral roll this year. Please complete a form to be added to the new electoral roll - copies available in church or downloadable here. Please return to our Electoral Roll officer, Christopher Maunder Taylor: email:
Prayers of Love and Faith​​​​
Following a unanimous vote by our PCC, St Mary's now offers Prayers of Love and Faith for the blessing of same sex couples. Find out more here.
Eco Church
Read about our Eco Church journey here and find out about some of the trees and flowers in St Mary's churchyard here.
The Eco Church group has developed a Churchyard Trail with reflections on nature and a Children's Tree Trail. They can be downloaded here.
Charitable and educational grants
For more information, click here.
Our sister church, St Andrew's, Hertford
We have a close relationship with our sister church, St Andrew's, in Hertford. For more information about St Andrew's activities, visit their website here
Muntjac in the churchyard - snapped by David in May